About Us


Morris + Wade was born out of necessity. Named after my late grandfather who was a carpenter, and my brother who had a deep love for music production. The lives of these two men inform the stories we tell as a brand. They leave an imprint of cultural resonance. As we grow and blossom, keeping their legacy alive will be an ever evolving intention.



Our bodies:

Through years of witnessing neglect and abuse of our bodies from industrialized products and lifestyle, it became clear that it was time to shape a new reality. No more toxic foods and no more toxic hygiene products. The goal is to liberate our bodies with high quality, sustainable, and clean products while celebrating black culture along the way. We aim to educate, so when it’s time to make a decision, the consumer knows exactly what to look for without any confusion. Our bodies are valuable, and we must treat them with deep respect and admiration. 



Music and Culture: 

Music and language have been key elements within our culture since the beginning of time. We use music as means of communication because it speaks to the soul. The heart beat of the drum, the swoop of the tongue, forging words of rhythm into the atmosphere. Growing up music was a centerpiece of my community and it played a profound role in how we experienced the world. Music will forever be apart of who we are as people, because it helps us cope and move through our life experiences. Within M+W it’s no different, music informs every formulation we develop and is synonymous with who we are and what we represent. We hope that what we create speaks to you in a way that serenades your soul.